The children’s series Jane, inspired by the conservation efforts of Jane Goodall, required engaging and educational broadcast graphics to complement its storytelling. Each episode focused on a specific endangered species, featuring guest conservationists who shared innovative ideas for protecting wildlife. The challenge was to create graphics that effectively illustrated these ideas in a way that was visually appealing, understandable for a young audience, and seamlessly integrated into the narrative.
I designed a series of dynamic and vibrant broadcast graphics that brought the conservationist ideas to life. Using visually engaging illustrations, I highlighted key concepts and solutions proposed by guest experts. The graphics were tailored to match the tone and style of the series, incorporating a balance of playful and educational elements to resonate with the target audience. Careful attention was given to ensure the visuals supported the storytelling while simplifying complex conservation strategies for young viewers.
The broadcast graphics successfully enhanced the educational value of each episode, helping to illustrate conservation efforts in a way that was both engaging and accessible. Viewers, particularly children, gained a clearer understanding of the steps needed to protect endangered species. The graphics played a key role in maintaining the show’s mission to inspire the next generation of environmentalists, while aligning with the creative vision of Jane and its producers.
A sample page from the companion book for Jane features a vibrant and interactive design that mirrors the tone of the series. Centred around an endangered species, the page includes a dynamic illustration of the animal alongside engaging callouts and fun facts about its habitat, threats, and conservation efforts. The layout integrates bold colors and playful typography to maintain visual excitement, while a “Think Like Jane” activity prompts young readers to brainstorm their solutions for protecting wildlife. This blend of storytelling and education keeps the content both accessible and inspiring for children, reflecting the show's mission to foster environmental awareness.

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